
.NET Programming Weekly Issue 2 - January 12, 2020

Summary of articles read during the week of January 12, 2020.

How to Use Xcode to Find Out the Shader Code Bug?

I write this article to record the process of debugging this issue. At the same time, this article will also introduce how to use Xcode tools to debug shader code to find existing rendering bugs.

[Microsoft Ignite The Tour] - Develop custom rendering pipelines using Unity and C#

Through this session, people can learn what SRP is and how to develop custom rendering pipelines using C# language.

Unity ARFoundation HandDetection

This project shows how to enable the CoreML to work with AR Foundation in Unity.

Don't ignore the side effect of Managed code stripping

After Unity 2018.3, the new `Managed Stripping Level` option replaces the old `Stripping Level` option in the player settings. This new option is available for all platforms and both Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends. The main purpose of this feature is to reduce the size of the app by removing some unused code. It sounds great, but there is a potential side effect. How does Unity know which code is unused code?

[Microsoft Global MR Bootcamp] - Unity AR Foundation Overview

What problem does Unity's AR Foundation solve? What is the architecture of the AR Foundation? And what is the roadmap for the AR Foundation?

Unity AR Foundation and CoreML: Hand detection and tracking

This article and the demo project at the end of the article show how to enable the CoreML to work with AR Foundation in Unity. With AR Foundation in Unity and CoreML on iOS, we can interact with virtual objects with our hands.

Mesh compression in Unity: Why is the Memory of My Game Unchanged?

I believe that many developers will have similar misunderstandings after seeing the name Mesh Compression. So this blog is about how to optimize Mesh in Unity to save memory, and why the Mesh Compression option is turned on, but it doesn't help memory.

[2019 Xamarin Dev Summit in China] - Unity 2019 Roadmap

Talked about what’s coming in Unity 2019, and presented the vision for what you should expect in 2019.

[Unite 2019] - Asset management and serialization in Unity

Introduce the internal serialization mechanism of the engine and some management mechanisms for the asset. Such as shaderlab, script, model, etc.